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What is Possbly verified badge?

What is the Possbly verified badge?

The verified badge is a blue checkmark next to a user’s name on Possbly. It confirms that the account is authentic. This is helpful for businesses, influencers, and public figures to build trust. To get verified, you need to request it and provide proof of identity.

A verified Possbly account is indicated by a blue checkmark badge next to the user’s name. This badge confirms that Possbly has verified the account’s authenticity. Accounts without this badge have not been verified.

Note: Impersonation accounts will be permanently removed.

What are the benefits of having a verified badge on Possbly?

A verified badge on Possbly boosts your credibility and trust among followers. It also unlocks monetization features like memberships and paid posts. Plus, you’ll enjoy increased visibility on the platform.

Who can get verified on Possbly?

Anyone can request verification on Possbly, including individuals, businesses, nonprofits, and organizations. To qualify, you must meet specific criteria like being 18 or older, having a complete profile, and following community guidelines.

How do I request verification on Possbly?

To request verification on Possbly, go to your account settings by clicking on “My Account” menu link, and look for the “Verify Profile” link in the right banner. Alternatively, you may click  on the “Setup Membership Fee” link under “My Account” and you will be redirected to a profile verification request page. 

From there, you will need to submit some information and documents to prove your identity, such as a government-issued ID or a business registration certificate. Once you have submitted your documents, Possbly will review them and confirm your identity before awarding you the verified badge.

Can I lose my verified badge on Possbly?

Yes, you can lose your Possbly verified badge. This can happen if you violate our community guidelines or terms of service. For example, using inappropriate language in your username, changing your account type, or transferring your account to another user could result in losing your badge. Possbly reserves the right to remove the badge for any reason, including legal requirements.

Can I request to remove my verified badge on Possbly?

No, you cannot currently request to remove your verified badge on Possbly.

Removing the badge will also revoke your access to monetization features and prevent you from withdrawing earnings, even after re-verification. Carefully consider the implications before making changes that could affect your account status.

Does having a verified badge on Possbly mean that Possbly endorses the user?

No, a verified badge on Possbly does not mean we endorse the user. Possbly simply confirms the account’s authenticity based on the provided documents. However, we cannot guarantee the real ownership of these documents due to potential scams or impersonations. We reserve the right to remove the badge if the user violates our terms of service or community guidelines.

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